Tuesday, September 21, 2004

McCain To Switch Sides?

David Corn speculates in his article The October Surprise?
. . . there was another reason beyond loyalty to the party and to the commander-in-chief why McCain saddled up with Bush. Perhaps he wanted to get near enough to knife Bush--metaphorically speaking, of course. As in, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. (Think The Godfather.)

That is an interesting thought. He has been pretty critical of Bush lately on Iraq, and was immediately and angrily critical of the Swift Boat Vets' attacks on Kerry. Knowing how the Bush campaign smeared McCain during the last Republican primary . . . well, revenge is a dish best served cold.

George Condon of Copley News Service says McCain is a "key to victory" for Bush . . . could he turn out to be a key to defeat instead?
