Friday, October 22, 2004

The Last Straw - Carl Worden Makes His Vote Official

Worden is a self-described republican who has cast his ballot for John Kerry. He describes a couple of incedents which happened during Bushs' Oregon visit, that conivinced him that todays republicans are not for him.
I am now a man without a political party. I will never again register as a Republican unless the party returns to what it was before the fascists took it over. I'm certainly not a Democrat or a liberal, but I might just register as a Democrat to help them avoid mistakes in the next primary, like running another John Kerry for president. Any moderate, pro-gun southern Democrat would have easily swept Bush aside this election. As it is, the race is so close it could go either way at this point.
What I do know is that any party that would find the words, "Protect Our Civil Liberties" offensive or even threatening, is a party I won't belong to anymore.