Wednesday, September 22, 2004

We Could Win It

Steven @ Polysigh has been crunching the electoral numbers and has this to say:
. . . it is worth noting that [Kerry] can still lose FL, OH, WV, and Nevada, if he manages to carry now-split Arkansas. Arkansas has been at or near the margin of error this whole campaign, and the polls have been remarkably consistent. Basically my sense is the state is within the range where the ground game could be decisive. If the Democrats can manage to get very large black turnout in the state, and if Kerry can move just a few percentage points of the white vote, he could win it. This is a state where a relatively small investment by the DNC or the 527s could make all the difference. It's probably worth the effort.

Could Arkansas be the new Florida this year? I certainly hope not. And I hope you don't either, so . . .

G O T V !

There are lots of ways to do this. If you don't know how, call your local Party office and ask. The method I'm using Digby's "Slacker Project":
Here's a little idea for a personal political project that each of us can undertake. Surely, we all know one person who doesn't usually vote, an apolitical type who isn't interested. This country is crawling with them. This is the election to get them registered and make sure they vote, whether by sending them the link for an absentee ballot or offering to pick them up and take them to the polls on election day. Everybody knows somebody like this. If we all make sure that we each get one person to vote who wouldn't otherwise give a damn, we win.

So, think about it. Which of your slacker friends can you get to vote this year? Take the initiative. They won't mind. They don't care. Make that work for us.

I'm not stopping at one slacker, though. Make it happen folks. There isn't much time left, and it is too important to let slide.